Sappy thoughts after my quarter-century celebration:

The last few years I shrugged off my birthday as “not a big deal.” I stumbled through friends singing and Facebook posting Happy Birthday! My jaded philosophy on birthdays developed from observing others celebrate themselves on their birthday. How many times have you heard, “it’s my birthday, it’s about me!” unironically? (Sure, I’ve said it, but very ironically!) This year, I tried something new. This year, I tried to bridge the gap between selfish celebration and making the day “a big deal!”

Now that I’m a quarter-century old and very wise (ha, kidding!), I’ve learned a birthday is a phenomenal excuse to bring everyone together to sincerely say THANKS! Because I’m extroverted, I compartmentalize friendships into multiple friend groups—I can’t help it, this is how I build relationships! At the core of these multiple friend groups is a single trait that all groups share: being sincerely kind and respectful. I had no hesitation crossing-over these different groups simply because everyone is so kind and respectful. It was a perfect evening! I am blessed to be surrounded by amazing friends!

To all those that weren’t invited to my birthday shindig, please don’t consider yourself unkind or disrespectful! If you know me, it wouldn’t surprise you that I threw together a last-minute guest list <2 days in advanced! My scope was tiny, focused on those nearby who roll with my spontaneity. Next year I will plan more than 2 days in advanced. I will continue this tradition of embracing my birthday as an excuse to bring people I love, together. After finally overcoming my cynical perspective of birthdays, I know 25 is the first of many great birthdays to come! Thanks everyone!

2019_03_30 Birthday Essen Haus.gif

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